Example Curriculum
Dr. Ricky Carr is the senior partner of his tax resolution firm and an IRS-licensed enrolled agent. Enrolled agents are pure tax experts who can help clients with personal financial planning and adhere to fiduciary obligations. We focus on the conversion of taxes and your entire financial situation. Most financial advisers and wealth managers disclose that they can’t give you tax advice. Many people fail to realize that taxes are their single most significant expense. So the idea that the person you go to for financial advice is unable or unwilling to advise you on the single largest thing impacting your finances throughout your entire life is inconceivable!
How do you know what to do with your next dollar? Should you invest it, pay off debt, pay for your kid’s college, or something else? The Kingdom Finances Masterclass (KFMC) is a 7-step personal financial system designed to help you discover the answer to what to do with every dollar. From getting your employer match, growing a business, scaling a business, paying off credit card debt, building an emergency fund, and investing in a Roth IRA, the 7 steps will help you prioritize your financial goals and take control of your financial future.
Nearly 60% of Americans are unable to pay for an unexpected $1,000 expense with savings. We struggle with the basics, like a spending plan, credit card debt, and saving for retirement. That’s why KFMC is so powerful – it grants clarity to those seeking order amidst financial chaos.
What to expect?
Before we unpack the seven steps of the Kingdom Finances Master Class, there are five principles to the KFMC philosophy about building Kingdom wealth. These principles are foundational to taking control of your finances and will be discussed in the course.
This course includes:
- 7 videos featuring Enrolled Agent Dr. Ricky E. Carr,
- Downloadable PDF’s study guides
- Downloadable PowerPoints
- Test Modules